I finally made my way to München yesterday. It was beautiful and the weather was perfect (but 88F is a bit too hot for me). I had to get up at 5am because my bus left at 6:30. The ride took about 3 hours and I left straight from the Hauptbahnhof and just headed toward the giant buildings. I didn't have a map or anyone with me which was kind of annoying because that would've made traveling easier and more fun but it was still nice. I did have a tour book that my mom gave me for Christmas a couple years ago and that was an amazing tool. I just hit all the big sites and it even gave tips of things to be sure to see. I didn't get to do nearly as much as I wanted to but I only had a day. I think I've gotten pretty good at exploring in a short amount of time. I just don't stop moving haha They had a huge market and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I got a fruit/veg juice. I want to live somewhere I can get stuff like that when I'm out running errands YUM! I just walked around and tried to see as much as I could. I was able to see the Glockenspiel play which was awesome. I am once again very bummed I don't have a video camera but thank goodness for camera phones. I will post a link to the videos I took. There were also a lot of street performers. I barely missed one group playing "Rock Me Amedeus" which made me sad but their other songs were good too. There were so many tourists it was crazy. I almost felt like I was back in the States sometimes because of all the American's I kept hearing. There were a lot of awesome shops and restaurants. I would love to win the lottery and go back to Germany just to enjoy that side of it (and of course see the millions of things I missed this trip). I would like to go to Prague but it's looking like that might not happen...It would cost me about $400 for that one trip. So I don't know, I might just go some more places in Germany and skip that. I would rather go to 3-4 new German cities than blow that much money on one place. Maybe if I can find a cheaper mode of transportation because it would be around 200€ just for the train there and back. Once I get there it's supposed to be extremely cheap because of the exchange rate. We'll see. Maybe I could go to Paris if I can find Couchsurfers and cheap transportation. But I digress. München was beautiful and packed and I had a great time (minus the sun burn and exhaustion). I was able to get some cool little presents for people which I hope they enjoy as well as finally find a cheap Dirndl! I could've gotten one about 15€ cheaper on ebay but this one says Made in München on the tag so it's kind of a souvenir as well as a costume :) Maybe I can find an event to wear it to. If not there's always Oktoberfest with my ECU German club! I will try to get a picture of me in it while I'm here even if I have to go on a mini photo shoot into Tübingen and get stared down hahaha I took a bus back home, arrived at midnight and passed out! Enjoy the pictures and the videos. I will post more on facebook because of the Blogger upload restrictions.
This is my Youtube page (it's just for my personal stuff, nothing fancy). There are lots of old videos but also all the ones I've taken on my trip so far.
Hedgehogs everywhere! (They're good luck)
Creepy real stuffed Milka cow...
This beautiful building is a massive Abercrombie and Fitch store haha
The huge line outside the store was to take a picture with this model XD
These lions were all over the city (like Berlin had the bears)