Sorry for the lack of posts. I have been busy and stressed and just haven't felt like posting. It's only week 3 and I'm already stressed out. My neighbor is very rude. It sounds like the are constantly moving furniture even at one in the morning so that makes it hard to sleep. Plus they slam their door every time and talk very very loud. I also am having trouble sleeping because of stress and the bed is just not good. Now with the added headache of class issues I am really not doing well. I keep feeling sick, I don't want to exercise, I feel tired all the time. I just want to sit in my room and sleep...I am so ready for classes to start and get into a routine but when I went to sign up for classes last Wednesday they threw my whole schedule out the window. UNCEP and ECU expect me to take 20 ECTS, which is around 4-5 classes. Tübingen only allows exchange students to take 3...That makes no sense. Why would they not collaborate on this? Then, on top of that, they signed me up for 2 classes that are at the same time AND they told me to make up my hours to take a regular German class which are done taking students at this point. So yeah, that's been fun.
On a better note I did have a lot of fun hanging out with people over the weekend. There was a beginning of the semester party on Friday and since it was in my apartment complex and I had friends coming I decided to go. They had drinks for cheap and music so we hung out there for 3 hours and danced. It was so busy that when we left there was a line of people waiting outside to get in. I also went on a walk around town for a half the day on Saturday and we tried some food at a cafe. I found out what Black Forest Cake tastes like...which is not good haha but I can't really stomach milk products besides yogurt anymore so the mascarpone was a bit much for me. Here are some pictures from around town that day. That's pretty much it for me. Been playing games and talking to people, trying to iron out this school mess and that's about it. Really exciting I know. Maybe once I am able to go to the anime con (people are being really flaky so we'll see) I'll have more exciting posts.

munch munch munch :3
love my willow trees :)
Found one of the bars we went to on that first outing
My lunch :) Found some bubble tea but it was the "popping" kind
I want to ninja this sweet and pretty
This is my one of my favorite picture so far. Looks like a postcard
love the gates/doors here
Got some pics for you bug/bird lovers :P
stupid kid wouldn't move