Today I went shopping. I have been holding off doing this because I wanted to make sure I had enough money but I figured I'm going to have to buy this stuff sooner or later so it might as well be sooner. I needed a warmer hat and wanted something that was cute also so I went back to a store I had looked in earlier in the week. It is kind of a new agey type store with long skirt and other things I love. So I got this hat there and it is super warm and adorable ^_^
I also needed a coffee mug not only for my coffee but for my collection. I was going to get a German coffee mug (and will later) but I saw this one and couldn't resist. Once again, way too much cat stuff in my room. >.<
Adorable Simon's new kitten cup :3
I was told by a former ECU and Tübingen student of a place here like Walmart called Kaufland. So I found the bus that went there and went shopping. I have been using a tupperware bowl to eat all of my food out of so I kind of needed some dishes. So now I finally have a plate, a bowl, sharp knife, wooden spoon, tinfoil, a (15€!!) coffee maker, coffee, filters, laundry soap, 2 shopping bags, produce, chicken, sandwich stuff, cookies, spices, and soup for around 50€. So I spent a little more today than makes me feel comfortable but the dishes and coffee machine are a one time buy and the laundry soap is good for at least 16 loads so I will not have to spend that much on a regular basis. I'm sure my bill at Walmart would've been about the same if not higher so I feel I got pretty good deals since everything I bought was on sale. It was not fun taking all that stuff home though. I had to ride two different buses to get home and then walk up a bunch of steps with my arms full so I got a work out today.
I just made myself some delicious lunch. I have never liked many raw veggies but I actually don't mind them that much on my sandwiches anymore. This one has turkey, cheese, tomato, cucumber and pepper on it with 2 orange chocolate cookies and 2 butter chocolate cookies and the first cup of coffee from me new machine :)
I have been trying to try new things every time I go to the store. I do like having a little something sweet with either dinner or lunch and they have a ton of German candies, chocolates and cookies to choose from everywhere you go. I have tried this stuff so far and it has all been really good. The rum chocolate wasn't great because it had raisins in it but otherwise it tasted good. They have 0.49€ energy drinks here so I thought I would try one. It pretty much tasted like a Red Bull. So not terrible but I miss my monsters :( They only have a couple flavors of it here because it's new and none of them are flavors I drink.

Tonight is the final night of orientation and it is a party for all of the students and helpers. We get free food and 2 free drinks which is always good when you're a broke college student. That starts at 19:30 but I think I will go earlier because it's near the castle here in Tübingen and I haven't seen it yet so I want to check it out before it gets dark. I will be taking my camera so hopefully I will get a few pictures but we will see. I will be sure to post about it tomorrow :)
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