Saturday was the last day of the international student orientation and they held a "Party" for us in the basement of a very nice cafe right next to the castle (schloss). There was "free" food and one drink per person. I say free like that because we did have to pay 15€ a person for the orientation so it's not really free but the food was pretty good. They served us veggies and ranch dip (no one knew what ranch was but that's what the dip tasted like haha) on big plates then they gave us french fries and either meatballs or falafel with ketchup and mayo dips. The fries were really good but I'm not a falalfel person. The last thing they gave us was a ton of either veggie or meat pizza and that was the best thing they served. You could only order beer, wine, or a soda with your free drink ticket so I got a local red wine and it was pretty good. It was just really hot in there since there were so many people and no windows so the wine made me even hotter. I was able to get some pictures but they all turned out very red because of the lighting and I didn't want to blind anyone with my flash. I got to meet and talk to a couple new people but I pretty much hung out with people I had already met at other get-togethers. That night was also Tübinger Nacht which is where you pay 7-8€ and you get to bar hop to see all the local bands that are performing without having to pay a cover each time. Since we were already in the bar we go to see our band for free. They were a funk band but I'm not sure if they were any good because people started smoking in a windowless room so it got really suffocating in there. So I went to leave and a couple people followed just to get air and we ended up standing outside and talking for about an hour.

I went up to the castle before the party so that I could take some pictures before it got dark. I didn't get to take as many as I would have liked because it got dark so fast. I will probably go back later and try to take better ones. What I got to see was very pretty and with an amazing view of Tübingen.

So now that orientation is done and classes don't start until the 22nd, I don't have much to do. I was a bum all day yesterday. I played games and watched videos for most of the day/night but I did go running for the first time in a long time. I just took it slow and switched between running and power walking for about 35 min. Plus I love dancing as a work out so I watched a dance tutorial but I have no coordination so it takes me longer to learn the moves >.< At least it was still a good workout. My legs are sore today but other than that I feel great. No knee pain or anything like that so that is a good sign. Probably alternate between walking and jogging/running days to give my legs and joints a break.
Giant "whistling weed" :D
Today it will pretty much be the same. I do have to go pay for tuition this morning so I didn't get much sleep. It's very gloomy today so far so I don't think I'll go exploring or anything. Maybe I will look up where the closest zoo or animal shelter is and see if anyone wants to join me this week. Some people do have classes this week though so we shall see. Hopefully I'll have something new and interesting to post soon. Thanks for reading! :3
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