Well after a very long and delayed flight to JFK in New York and then to Frankfurt I am finally here. The flight wasn't terrible on the way to Frankfurt. At least they fed us and there were a lot of free movies to choose from. I was able to watch the Chernobyl Diaries (it was ok) and Rock of Ages (very good) plus listen to the radio. The food sucked of course but it was better than nothing. After I finally got there it was a 3 hour drive to Tübingen so I am very thankful that I had someone to pick me up and drive me there. There was a lot of running around and trying to get me set up for my stay. My German is a lot worse that I thought. I'm used to my teachers speaking at a slower pace since we are learning. The people with me spoke German so that helped a lot as well. I was only able to get my "apartment room" (it's a dorm pretty much) and an appointment with the bank to set up an account. Since I had been up for 48 hours at that point I just unpacked and went to sleep at 8pm. My sleep was interrupted several times by loud people. Who runs up and down the hall and slams doors at midnight?! Germans evidently. Plus there were a lot of very loud (probably drunk) people outside and since there is no air conditioning my window was open. I slept till 2pm though and still felt tired. It took me 3 hours to get into town, buy a few groceries (couldn't find anything I needed), get a SIM card for my phone and then take the bus back to my apartment. The bus system is what caused it to take so long. I had to take 4 different buses to get there and back. I'm going to attempt to go to Aldi tomorrow (if I can find the bus that goes there...). They should have more groceries for cheaper than what I paid. I was so hungry by the time I got back. All I had consumed that day was a cup of coffee at a local Kafe. I bought an open faced sandwich with tomatoes, herbs and mozzarella cheese and finally ate it at 7pm. So I will definitely lose weight at this rate. I feel a little better now that I have a phone. I felt so lost without any kind of communication in case of an emergency. I am very sorry for the lack of pictures! It took so long in town that it was dark by the time I got back. I have taken some pictures of my room although they suck because of lack of outside light. I only have to go to the store tomorrow and the bank if they are open so I will walk around and take some pictures and look like more of a tourist than I already do haha. At least everyone I talked to was really nice. No one got mad at me for not being able to speak German very well. At least I tried but if they offered to speak English I was very much relieved. The weather has been pretty nice so far. It stormed when I was here yesterday but today was nice and in the 70's. Tübingen is very pretty but there is a lot of graffiti everywhere which sucks. So more pictures tomorrow! Tschüs!

My first and only meal
I have 3 cat things on my bed...think I might have a problem lol
I brought an adorable Neko to take pictures with :3
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