Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Just school

Well I only have about a month left and have only been really busy with school. I just go to the gym, go to class, play games. Tomorrow is my last day of my Aufbaukurs (intensive speaking course) so that will help lighten the load but then next week I have THREE projects due...not sure how that happened. Oh well, at least they'll all be done then. I really need to take at least 2 more trips before I leave. I might take a trip every weekend till the end of July. I could at least explore more of southern Germany since it's pretty cheap. There is a bus that goes to München daily for cheap. I got something I can work on as far as sewing/crafting. I have been dying to work on something and Mom sent me a box with stuff to make the Hobbs plushie for my friend. This is what every box they have sent me looks like...

USPS is really mean to the boxes now. I even had an Etsy customer tell me that their order came with a huge hole in it. Thankfully nothing inside was hurt but still... Glad they didn't send me anything fragile. I also ordered a Monster High doll because I have been wanting a Ball-jointed Doll for a long time but they are VERY expensive. So this will just have to do for now. I have seen some amazing face-ups and remakes of these dolls on Deviant art so I can't wait to start on that as well.

She's so cute ^_^ My family finds it funny that I'm 24 and playing with dolls when I only ever played with dinosaurs and stuffed animal as a kid haha So yeah, I hope to have some pictures soon but I've just been hanging out with friends around town so nothing exciting. Going to lunch with my tandem partner tomorrow and then working on projects the rest of the day. I want to go to Reutlingen this weekend if it's nice again. Bis dann!

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